Thursday, May 1, 2014

I had almost forgotten about this blog. I'm preparing for a trip to England and I thought about starting a blog to make a record of the events of the trip. So I guess I'll just continue with this one.

I guess the title still works. I'll be traveling with Eva Armes and she is sorta an adopted granddaughter. I won't be her Nanny, but I could be her Granny...except I don't like being called Granny, maybe Grandmother, or as my sister, Kay wanted to be called, Grand-MaMa. oh how elegant!

One week from today we will be flying out of Tampa to Gatwick, then to York, and then back to London for the rest of the time. Eva's trip is a gift from her grandparents on the completion of her college degree at USF. I've been reading Rick Steves to make sure I'm thoroughly prepared. I'm really excited about seeing London again. Hoping to have tea with the queen this time.


  1. I am very happy about you and Eva going to England and pray you have a safe, wonderful time. Please send pictures while you're there. Love, Karen

  2. I'm going to post pics to Facebook, but also to this blog. I may change the format of the blog so it can accommodate photos.
    Can't wait to get on the plane!

  3. Nice, Harriet. I like your writing style. Louree has a cousin who spent many years in London. I sent him your comments on the $$$. JimmeeS hofner
