Monday, May 5, 2014

Pre trip tune up

A few weeks ago my lower back starting hurting. I did stretching exercises. I rested my back. I iced it. Finally, I broke down and called the chiropractor. Dr. Steve Sligh has been manipulating peoples' bones most of his adult life. He's wonderful! He has healing hands. I still have to be careful, especially when I'm bending over. It is with great distress that I look way down on the floor and contemplate how far down I must bend when I have dropped something. Getting down on the floor to wipe up a spill is a major commitment of time. While I'm down there I sometimes do my on-the-floor stretching exercises. No trip to the floor should be wasted doing only one thing.  Returning to a standing position is a major effort. I feel like todders look when they are rising to a standing position: first you plant you hands firmly on the floor, next you point your buttox toward the sky, knees to the floor,  push with your hands, straighten your legs and then stand there for a few minutes till you get your balance. I have no intention of dropping anything while in London.

Other preparations are under way and must be completed before we leave on Thursday. I must do the weekly laundry, iron enough shirts for Allen to carry him over till next week. I must thoroughly water my plants on the patio. Usually when I'm gone at least one plant dies. Poor plants! I must finish packing in those bags where you suck out all the air with a vacuum cleaner so you can pack more. I don't think I'll have a vacuum cleaner in my hotel room in London. I guess I'll just have to suck out the air with lip suction. (I wonder if that how they do liposuction?) So a little more time; a little more work and I'll be ready to fly away.

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