Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The arrival

When Jacqueline first held Maggie at the hospital yesterday she sang Christmas carols to her. Cuddling seemed to come natural to her. Maggie was quiet in her arms and studied her face. Nathan also held her in his little boy way--just kinda laid her across his lap and lightly held her in place. She opened her eyes wide and looked at his face as if trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. Grandpa has not yet held her, but I'm sure that will come later--at least for the pictures.

December 19, 2011: Cammie's water broke at three AM. She said it was like peeing but you can't stop it. It was official; the birthing was about to commence. She took a shower and got ready to go. While Chris was showering she laid down again to rest. Real labor pains started about five AM. They got to the hospital about 5:30 AM.

For such a big baby most of the labor was not that bad. The pains came and went with increasing intensity. At about 1:20 PM I decided to go and get some lunch, and wanted to eat in the lunch room. At about 2:00 PM Doug came and got me and told me if I wanted to see the birth of my grand child I should come immediately! And so I did.

When I got to the room Cammie was already prepped for the birth with her feet in the stirrups. Push with the contraction! Maggie was high up so it was lots of work moving her down. Cammie grew tired. The last thirty minutes or so were the hardest. We found out later that Maggie was sunny side up--face up--and that made the birth more difficult. It was also difficult because Maggie was so big: 9 lb 6 oz and 21 1/2 inches long! She looked like some three month old babies.

She was very alert all afternoon and evening. David McWilliams came by and read Psalm 73 and prayed with us. Most of the day the nurses were busy adjusting this and checking that. Because of Cammie's diabetes they had to check both Cammie's & Maggie's blood sugar and Cammie throughout the day. Cammie is breast feeding and after the second try Maggie latched on and got some nourishment. It was quite a day!

I'm still amazed at the process of birth. Everything works together just as it should. When the baby comes out of the mother's body and the cord is cut her lungs understand that they are now supposed to breathe air and two little holes in the baby's heart close up and are ready to pump blood correctly for the world outside the mother's womb. God's design for new babies is amazing! Perfectly formed, each part functioning just as it should.

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